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Rental is provided by Amphibious Rentals LC
- You must be at least 21 years of age.
- You must understand how to handle and operate a personal watercraft (backup trailer, understand water depth limitations etc.).
- You must be capable of adding fuel to the gas tank of a watercraft-
- Watercraft must be returned with full fuel tank.
- You will be responsible for any damage caused to watercraft (excluding normal wear).
- There must be a Completed Rental Agreement on file prior to use of any watercraft.
- Seadoo must be returned by 9 PM the day of rental
You will not be held liable for “wear and tear” – This includes seat tears, light fiberglass and other body damage such as “dock rash”
You will be held liable for any damage to watercraft that happens due to operation in any negligent manner or in violation of any law.
Although much easier to operate than a large boat, it is still a vessel and you are accepting the responsibility of being captain of the vessel you take out. Our goal is for you to have a great time, just use common sense, take care of your watercraft and everything will be fine.
Amphibious Rentals Reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, at anytime, at our discretion. If you cannot care for the watercraft you are taking out, or if you are found to be violating any law with our watercraft, we will end your rental period immediately.
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